Audio:QS130401.AIF C-box: BallLoc: LineNum: GeoBytesUsed:6 B-BoxLastFrame:HQ130490.PIC A-box or Headline5:N/A A-box or Headline6:N/A Correct:Dwight Eisenhower*QS130402.AIF* Wrong 1:Woodrow Wilson Wrong 2:George Bush Wrong 3:George Washington Wrong 4:John F. Kennedy Wrong 5:Richard M. Nixon Wrong 6:Franklin D. Roosevelt Wrong 7:Harry S. Truman Wrong 8:Lyndon B. Johnson GeoByte1:As commander of the Allied forces in Europe during World War II, Eisenhower planned and executed the D-Day landings and invasion of Normandy. GeoByte2:Both Alaska and Hawaii were admitted to the Union during Eisenhower's presidency. GeoByte3:Eisenhower commanded the Allied armies in Europe during World War II. GeoByte4:Eisenhower was a career soldier. When he left the White House at age 70, he bought the first home he ever owned. GeoByte5:Eisenhower's love of golf helped to popularize the sport in America. GeoByte6:Eisenhower's nickname was "Ike." His campaign buttons read, "I Like Ike." GeoByte7: GeoByte8: GeoByte9: GeoByte10: PictCasts:["HQ130410.PIC", "HQ132020.PIC", "HQ130120.PIC", "HQ131920.PIC", "HQ131120.PIC", "HQ131420.PIC", "HQ131620.PIC", "HQ131820.PIC", "HQ131020.PIC"]* VideoReward:HP130450.MOV Palette:#default StartVideo:HQ130450.MOV EndVideo: WrongVideo:["HQ130120.MOV", "HQ130220.MOV", "HQ130320.MOV", "HQ130520.MOV", "HQ131020.MOV", "HQ131120.MOV", "HQ131420.MOV", "HQ131520.MOV", "HQ131820.MOV"] Glossary Start Glossary End